Mission HELP Uganda

Sep 9 2024 - Sep 21 2024
Mission HELP Uganda is about sharing the God-inspired principles on a global platform. We are partnering with Higher Dimension Ministries in Uganda to focus is on rescuing women and girls from the streets, providing safety, life skills, and education. 

We want to help them raise $150,000 USD to make their vision a reality. This includes acquiring 120 acres of land, funding the building project, covering fees, and ensuring the sustainability of the shelter for the first two years.

As a team we strive to Free the Spiritual Prisoners, Speak Up for the Voiceless, Eradicate Domestic Violence here and abroad by reclaiming lives for God, self and community.

7 going

18 spots left

45 days left

Fundraising Goal:


Support Team FLR
(336) 929-7422



Due 7/15/2024

$100.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Due 2/1/2024
$200.00 Deposit Due 3/1/2024


Short-Term Mission Trip Liability Release Form: Uganda Required

Due 4/1/2024

The following form must be completed in its entirety and returned to Feminine Life Rebuilders by April 1st.
Please print, fill out, and return it ASAP.


Financial Agreement Form Required

Due 3/1/2024

Please read each page in full. Then read each bullet and initial. Sign and return this page by March 1st.




  1. Before application is approved we will need a background check, passport information, 2 references and completed application.


  1. You will be responsible for medical and travel insurance, money spent on the trip, VISAs, tips, etc.


  1. You must be 18 years or older. Preferably 21 or older.
  2. Must believe in the Most High God, Elohim.
  3. Have the heart of a servant leader.


  1. We will meet at least once a month for team Unity Training.


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